Japan, A Country I would like to visit


Japan, a Country I would like to visit 

Hi everybody!

This is my first blog and i would like to talk about a country that definitely i would love to visit, and im gonna visit as soon as i can. I talk about Japan. 

                                                  (Tokyo City with Fuji's Mount in the background) 

As many other people my first approach to Japan was the anime, i always loved how the differents anime series or movies, can be able to describe their landscapes, their cities, and obviously their food. 
My interest to visit in Japon grow up from my interest in the architecture of the differents cities and towns, i think that Japan really combine a lot of beauty landscapes in all the seasons of the year. And a very harmonious mixture about the millenary architecture design and the new big and super modern buildings in the center of cities.

                                                                                    (Japan in four Seasons)

To learn more about the chance to live in Japan, i starting to watch two youtube channels, one about a Spanish guy that lives in Japan since about ten years, that shows a very western vision about Japan, and thats his intention, and the other channel is a spanish guy too, but married with a Japanese girl that explain the side to live in Japan, but with a view more from a native person to the country.

                                                                     (Shibuya Crossing)

I think that i learn a lot about the difficulties to live in Japan, first because it takes certanly a time to settle down there. Japanese people have a lot of differents ways to do so much things. For example, they have two different types of labour contracts that come with two differents salary types, and really can make your life different there, but no so many like other countries because Japan is a country that ,at least when we talk about salary, there is not a huge difference about the lowest salary and the highest. The problem with the contracts is, if you not come to Japan with a very good work record, and maybe  hired by a Japanese enterprise or center (whatever in this case) there is no chance to acces to the best contract. If you start to work with the first type of contract, you have to work at least five years, but in the same place!, if you change your job, you have to reestart the count. Apparently, Japanese culture gives a lot of importance to the compromise with their jobs, and gives a big value to the puntuality (at this point i think that is not the best country for me, but whatever).

                                                                                          (Osaka, Japan)

Other thing that it worries me is the fact that people, when we talk about friendship and types of relationship, its very colder for me, its a big deal there the signs of affection, and for example, to make friends its at least a formal process, and a very daily thing for us, like call a friend to hangout in the same day, in Japan its like impossible, and maybe a sign that you are a person that not takes into consideration the time of your friends.

But with all, i really want to live and work to Japan, for a year maybe and try, at least, to know a lot of differents places, and know from my own how is live and work in Japan.

Thanks for reading!


  1. Wow! Japan looks very interesting, although it sounds like crowding to me and I don't like that.

  2. Japan must surely be one of the most beautiful cities in the world


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