About my post graduate studies

 About post graduate studies

Hi again

Today i wanna talk about a topic of my interest, which is related with my actual situation as a student.

Post graduate studies, with no doubt, a lot of times are a great opportunity to grow up as a professional and increase the chances in a difficult labour market. 

Right now, i have different interest with the topic of post graduate studies, in fisrts place i would like to study specialize to myself into the debt problem, the problem is, that i really dont know a program with that name, so i have homework there, searching for a program that provides me what i want. In second place i have a truly interes about the public politics, and that porgram, sounds more close to me because the Universidad de Chile,  have 3 differents program of this magister, and it a chance that im gonna try to get a scolarship. because i think is the biggest problem of post graduate studies, their price. Right now i have a debt with CAE, so i dont know how much i want to get into more debt for a while, so rihght now, if u ask me, if i want to do a magister, yes i really want, and definitely want to do one overseas, to take advantage of the chance to live in another country, but i have money for that? not really, so it really depends of the chance to get a scolarship.

As always thanks for reading this post, it my last of this year. 

A big hug, greetings!


  1. I think it’s super important for social science professionals to have at least one specialization in public policy


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