
About my post graduate studies

 About post graduate studies Hi again Today i wanna talk about a topic of my interest, which is related with my actual situation as a student. Post graduate studies, with no doubt, a lot of times are a great opportunity to grow up as a professional and increase the chances in a difficult labour market.  Right now, i have different interest with the topic of post graduate studies, in fisrts place i would like to study specialize to myself into the debt problem, the problem is, that i really dont know a program with that name, so i have homework there, searching for a program that provides me what i want. In second place i have a truly interes about the public politics, and that porgram, sounds more close to me because the Universidad de Chile,  have 3 differents program of this magister, and it a chance that im gonna try to get a scolarship. because i think is the biggest problem of post graduate studies, their price. Right now i have a debt with CAE, so i dont know how mu...

About my first job and labour perspectives

                             ¿Job is here? Hi everyone! Today i wanna talk about a topic that is very closer to me right know, and its about the first job as a professional and the expectations or perespectives that i have about this, based in my previous labour experiences and a lot of conversations about experiences of friends, teachers and other people. Maybe this last year until now i have my first experience as a "sociologist", working in the design of a research and survey about the mental health problem in the Universidad de Chile. The goal of the survey its gather the most possible information about the situation of students, and with that design a future mental health policy for the university. I think that with that work i made a little practice before my curricular practice. And i really like it, i think i learn a lot and it was a lot different of any evaluation in the university. It was a lot of indoo...

Level 4, Intermediate, Post 4, 'Themed Free Post 2'

The NBA comeback?   Today i wanna talk about one of my greatest interests, i talk about basketball, and specifically the NBA. Because of the pandemic, the NBA as all the leagues of the world, stopped their activities in way to prevent and protect their players and staff fot the chance of get the virus. Plus of that situation, racial conflict in USA increase since the case of police butality in the killing of Geroge Floyd. This situation is specifically important in a league that made up of 80% of afrodescendent players.  A lot of players, and NBA community up their voices, participate actively and support the protests, in fact a lot of players up their voices about the police brutality that they suffer, even being NBA players.            But the problems, starts to increase by the announcement of the return of the NBA at July 31 by a decision made by players ( their sindicate), coaches, and General Managers (28-0). This notice caused a lot of dist...

Debt and credit problem in Chile

 Post 3                                 Themed Free Post Hi everyone! For today post i wanto to write something about one topic, that i want to investigate in my thesis proyect. I talk about debt problem.                                             Debt and credit problem in Chile Talk about the debt problem in Chile, its talk about the elephant in the room. If we go back to the news papers of recently weeks, we can see that this problem, its certanly, near to exploit.  In January, CNN post a new titled: "Endeudamiento de los hogares chilenos marca nueva cifra record", that refers, that the debt level of the population grew at one point that records historic numbers. In the same way El Mostrador  qualified this notice in they cover page like aa a suffocating situation, and it is. The p...

'The Best Holidays/Concert ever'

 'The Best Holidays/Concert ever' I have been in a very few concerts in my life so i can remeber each one easily, and definitely my favorite concert was Bruno Mars concert in 2017. Bruno Mars is a Hawaian artist, borned in 1985 in Honolulu, his real name is Pete Gene Hernández and he signed his first contract in 2009 with Atlatic Records. His music style go to R&B, Pop, and lately a very cool funky sound.  I like Bruno Mars as an artist at least since 2010, and i couldn' t go in his first concert in Chile in 2010 so i was so excited to go, but i couldn't get a ticket in the right momento. Lucky for me, i asked in twitter the same day of the concert, and i got my ticket one hour before the concert! After all that emotions, running a lot to be on time, i arrived to the concert in perfect time (a very few moments in my life that i arrived on time). The concert was in the Estadio Nacional, with thousands of people around. The show started at 21:30 pm, and it lasted for ...

Japan, A Country I would like to visit

  Japan , a  Country I would like to visit   Hi everybody! This is my first blog and i would like to talk about a country that definitely i would love to visit, and im gonna visit as soon as i can. I talk about Japan.                                                      (Tokyo City with Fuji's Mount in the background)  As many other people my first approach to Japan was the anime, i always loved how the differents anime series or movies, can be able to describe their landscapes, their cities, and obviously their food.  My interest to visit in Japon grow up from my interest in the architecture of the differents cities and towns, i think that Japan really combine a lot of beauty landscapes in all the seasons of the year. And a very harmonious mixture about the millenary architecture design and the new big and super modern buil...